Tympanogram Screening

At Arlington Prime Pediatrics, we prioritize the well-being of your child’s hearing health. That’s why we offer tympanogram screening, a specialized diagnostic test that helps assess the condition of the middle ear.

Tympanogram screening is a painless and non-invasive procedure that provides valuable insights into the function of the middle ear, including the eardrum and the tiny bones behind it. This test is especially useful in identifying conditions such as fluid accumulation, ear infections, or abnormalities in the middle ear.

During a tympanogram screening, our skilled healthcare professionals use a small probe to gently introduce air pressure changes into the ear canal. The probe measures how the eardrum responds to these pressure changes, providing valuable information about the condition of the middle ear.

By conducting tympanogram screenings, we can detect any abnormalities or issues in the middle ear, such as fluid accumulation, eardrum dysfunction, or blockages. This information allows us to make accurate diagnoses and develop appropriate treatment plans to address your child’s specific needs.

Early detection of middle ear problems is crucial for timely intervention and management. Tympanogram screening helps us identify potential hearing-related issues that may affect your child’s speech development, language skills, and overall well-being. With this valuable information, we can provide targeted treatment, including medication, further evaluations, or referrals to specialists if needed.

We understand that your child’s hearing health is essential for their overall growth and development. Through tympanogram screening, we aim to ensure early detection, prompt intervention, and ongoing monitoring of any middle ear conditions.

If you have concerns about your child’s hearing or suspect any issues related to their middle ear function, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us. Our compassionate healthcare team will conduct a thorough assessment, perform a tympanogram screening if necessary, and provide personalized care and support for your child’s hearing health.